After being in Ireland, adjusting to Germany was, an adjustment. We landed in Munich in the morning and caught a ride from the airport to our hotel in a taxi cab that is nicer than most cars I've ridden in, period. That was our first tip off that this place runs well and efficiently. Efficient is an understatement, Munich is like a well oiled machine and if you aren't doing your part you better get out of the way! The city was intricately beautiful and filled with a sense of pride. We were lucky enough to book a hotel right by the Oktoberfest grounds and although that wasn't going on, The Tollwood Winterfestival was in full swing and it was quite a sight. From what we learned, the festival is made up of part international handicraft booths, organic food and education with a focus on sustainability. Basically, a HUGE farmers market/saturday market combined with random entertainment and a pinch of recycled art. Purty cool. It was beautiful and delicious and very entertaining :)
Since we were only in Germany for 3 days we were only able to experience bits and pieces, but along with Tollwood, we also experienced a Bier Haus, some amazing bratwursts and Thai food? Oh and let me tell you, there is nothing quite like the sound of bells tolling in a city square in the morning. There may be similar things...but nothing, just so.